New Jersey Licensed Psychologist #SI3500374900
New York Licensed Psychologist #013366
PsyPact Telepsychology Mobility #16833
Food Allergy Specialty Services: Coaching, Therapy, Consultation
Food Allergy Consultation
Food Allergy Public Speaking and Media
Food Allergy Coaching
Food allergy coaching focuses on building the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully navigate living well with food allergies. I offer education and practical, real-world guidance that you can apply to meeting daily food allergy demands. I collaborate with your physician or allergist whenever possible to determine the most appropriate strategies. There are many experiences unique to food-allergic living. For example, I can help you navigate the world of new food introductions, oral food challenges, oral immunotherapy, food-centric family functions, and workplace or social events as well as dating with food allergies. This is an educational service not typically reimbursed by insurance. The frequency and duration of coaching are determined by your needs and goals.
Food Allergy Counseling and Psychotherapy
Food allergy counseling or psychotherapy is appropriate for anyone experiencing high levels of food allergy anxiety, unnecessary avoidance of foods or situations, intrusive thoughts or images related to distressing food allergy experiences, feelings of depression, social alienation, family dysfunction, or any other significant emotional or behavioral issue causing life disruption or distress. As in coaching, food allergy education and skill-building are included in sessions. In addition, counseling and psychotherapy focus on understanding triggers for anxiety, anxiety management and reduction, improving mood, and enhancing skills to cope with stress and anxiety, and alleviating psychological and relationship distress. When appropriate we will address traumatic events related to food allergies that may be having an impact. This service is commonly covered by insurance. We would typically begin with weekly sessions.
Through consultation services, I provide education and guidance about the psychosocial impact of food allergy to any person or organization that can benefit from this information. I consult to mental health professionals and systems, physicians, teachers and schools, attorneys, camps, scouting and youth groups, and many other organizations. I am a frequent consultant to Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE) and Allergy and Asthma Network on psychosocial and mental/behavioral health issues.
A trusted expert on the topic of psychosocial issues related to food allergy, I am available for interviews, guest blogs, podcasts, and speaking engagements. I have been a frequent contributor to articles, blogs, podcasts, and webinars on food allergy. As the author and host of a 10-hour web-based training developed for the Allergy and Asthma Network: The Mental Health Professionals Guide to Psychosocial Issues in Food Allergy, I offer a comprehensive understanding of food allergy's impacts. I provide a balance of scientific understanding, practical advice, and personal, real-world experience.
You can read a recent article I contributed to by clicking here: